Friday, March 6, 2009

Uh oh, I'm having one of those Andy Rooney moments

Can someone please explain to me a circulation librarian who stops to tsk and shake her head at the cover of one of the books you're checking out, which happens to feature a black-and-white photo of two nudes in boxing ring? And when you gently respond, 'Well, what can I say? It's art," and she says, "I wouldn't call that art. I'd call it strange," is that the kind of thing you're ever in the mood for? I'm thinking probably not.

[Original closing line edited to remove needless snarkiness, and because Lazy MF was right: this episode *was* more interesting for its unexpected weirdness].


LazyMF said...

But wasn't your library experience more interesting because of the encounter with the prude and her chin slinky?

leslie said...

I think I know who deserves a little guerilla performance art delivered to her workplace!

Diana Sudyka said...

As someone that worked a circulation desk for a couple of years, it's dismaying to come across an example of unprofessionalism that reinforces cartoonish stereotypes of librarians as finger wagging, shushing, prudish spinsters. Time to start checking out the Mapplethorpe.

tracy said...

Really, now, REALLY, can anything shock a librarian anymore? What century did she escape from?