Monday, November 23, 2009

Good Turns

Early this morning, as I was walking the dog and carrying her little bag of waste, a garbage man stopped me and said, "Ma'am, I'd be happy to throw that away for you." He took the bag right out of my hands and tossed it into the back of his truck, which was mulching up some throwaway doors behind the Oddfellows hall.

It was an incredibly kind gesture, all the kinder for it being unexpected, especially considering the abject terms of exchange. How do you even repay that kind of thing?

A few blocks later I turned the corner toward the house and there was our neighbor Mary Beth -- back since only 3am after taking her kids to the School of the Americas protest in Georgia -- struggling with a dead car battery. We have no jumper cables, and neither did any of the folks she tried to call. But I peeked into the backyard of our great neighbor Caesar, alleyway mechanic, and he was able to walk his charger over and get her on her way. He and Mary Beth live next door to each other but had never officially met. Now they have a point of connection.

It seems to be starting off as that kind of week. Pass it on.


Rosemary said...

A happy Thanksgiving, indeed. :^)

tracy said...

Nice! I WILL try to pass it on in these parts.