Sunday, July 20, 2008

And speaking of gardening . . .

Columbine is the perfect perennial for the horticulturally-challenged, like myself. It grows like a weed, and soon enough its leafy clusters have taken over the entire yard. There are certainly worse problems to have (like when the trumpet vines take over the yard, which is another quagmire altogether).

You can almost see all of evolutionary history in this columbine's petals. From dinosaur to chicken, it's all right there. My apologies to the half-pints, because I'm starting to think what's happening in this photo may be downright PG-13.


tracy said...

Actually, I think the 13-year-olds would be most likely to read into that photo.

I need a cold shower.

Diana Sudyka said...

What kind of suggestive imagery is Neighborhood Watch exposing 13 year olds to? What's next? Pink Lady's Slippers? Pfft.

I do love Columbine. We planted some last year, and it has indeed taken over.

Christy said...

I blame Georgia O'Keefe for all this hooliganism! Now let's all enjoy our peonies in peace.